Friday 13 January 2012

Dye Hard.

Yes I'm back. I guess the first thing to do is to confess my surprise & express my gratitude for all the comments & notes in response to my first effort - all of them were motivating. Well all except the 1 comment that asked me to shut up & not pollute the airwaves but I'm used to hearing that from Priya.

Anyone who has seen me will know what I'm talking about when I say that I am grey. UFOlogists apply that description to small, wrinkly, strange looking alien visitors & while most of that description could apply to me as well I am actually talking about my crowning glory - my hair. The salt started joining the pepper on my head very early on & I have spent a large portion of my life explaining it away as "premature greying" - at 43 that no longer holds water. To make matters worse it's not the stylish sequential greying that starts at the temples & works it's way inland like a well organised invading army but rather a random sprinkling that at just the right angle looks like sunlight reflecting off. Unfortunately there are no longer many of those angles left to hide behind.

At most times my condition is easy for me to ignore but it's brought home to me emphatically every time I visit my neighborhood hole in the wall barber shop. The routine is always the same. Looking at my head after the haircut could give people the impression that the person who took the shears to it had a special brief to address only the black hairs & that this discrimination caused the white hairs to stand up for their right to be seen. On seeing this the barber (how can you call someone who takes things off the hair rather than dress them up a hairdresser ?) invariably feels compelled to ask me if he should colour my hair ? I always refuse. He then tries to entice me with the various colour options available. I refuse again - in this at least I prefer black & white to coloured. He looks at me with a mix of pity & bewilderment & leaves it at that until the next time.

Somehow I've never wanted to hide the grey - never even considered it in fact. I guess the reason is that maybe in my mind I don't consider myself any older than I was while I was in college - despite everything that my body & slowing metabolism may scream to me. Somewhere I'm probably thinking that this is still premature greying - if I don't feel old then even if I look old it should not matter - right ? The grey in my hair is probably why I get a salary too - what else signifies my experience at the job that I do ?God knows that sometimes my actions do not show that !

So in the end analysis my leaving the grey in my hair undisturbed is my own little expression of freedom from some preconceived notions of what is "age appropriate" for me. Live Free or Dye Hard !


  1. well, a good attempt. but a long one.....just to let the world know that u r 43 and not more!!! just kidding bro. keep it going, boy.....

    a small advice...refrain using words like "barber". You know what happened to the movie title "Billoo ******" - they had to drop all asterisks (is that a correct plural). how about saying - "my neighborhood hole in the wall hair styling saloon"

    keep going.........


  2. Sanjeev, you sound like me few years back. Have not changed since then refusing to color my hair in spite of a lot of persuasion from a lot of people. Latest excuse is it is too late and no point starting it now. The only time it felt a bit sad was when people started calling you uncle. Got used to it soon. Grey hair refusing to color association zindabad.

  3. @Raju - I think the whole point is not to be defensive about how old I am ! I'm hoping that no one on this distribution list takes offence to the terminology.
    @Baby Chettan - the club could be called The Grey Greats !

  4. I'm all for color... Ever since the grey in my brain cells decided to spread to my hair when I wa 14.. :D. Having tried the henna, beetroot and umpteen colors , I'm all for havin hair color as part of the soap , shampoo , conditioner pack. So Dye hard for me.. :)

  5. I would color if I had the hair....
    white hair is better than no hair !

  6. Re : Sujan .
    A barber is a barber dude.
    Sometimes we carry the political correctness to far...
